Elaine at work

Created by Diane 7 years ago
One of a kind. Kind of a one!
A dear friend and colleague who will be sorely missed by those who moved in her circle. Who else can we set our clocks by?
7.30-Drinks run
8.50-Cheesy cheddars
10.00-Biscuits-chocolate hob nobs wherever/whenever possible
10.30-snooze through huddle
12.30-salad from the fridge
2.30-tell Michael to get the drinks in.
3.38-out the door!
Classic word mix-ups-asking about that Satsuma that happened in Japan-she meant tsunami!!
Happy to laugh at herself.
Loyal to her friends and fiercely protective and so proud of her wonderful family-whom we came to know as if they were our own.
Little feet but big shoes to fill.